2 #figment Figure

Media referenced within set text.

Default styling
A figure framed with a border.
A figure framed with browser chrome. Implementation partially based on Robert Fleischmann’s pen.
A figure that visually breaks the container when there is space available.
A combination of the breakout and browser modules.
<figure class="[modifier class]">
  <a href="#">
    <img src="http://figment.kennethormandy.com/images/example-1.jpg" alt="Napoleon Crossing the Alps" />
Default styling
Napoleon Crossing the Alps
Jacques-Louis David, Napoleon Crossing the Alps or Bonaparte at the St Bernard Pass, . Oil on canvas, 102 × 87in (260 × 221cm). Chateau de Malmaison, Rueil-Malmaison.
A figure with the caption as marginalia when possible.
Napoleon Crossing the Alps
Jacques-Louis David, Napoleon Crossing the Alps or Bonaparte at the St Bernard Pass, . Oil on canvas, 102 × 87in (260 × 221cm). Chateau de Malmaison, Rueil-Malmaison.
A figure framed with a border.
Napoleon Crossing the Alps
Jacques-Louis David, Napoleon Crossing the Alps or Bonaparte at the St Bernard Pass, . Oil on canvas, 102 × 87in (260 × 221cm). Chateau de Malmaison, Rueil-Malmaison.
A figure framed with browser chrome. (Should respond to vertical media queries to change device.)
Napoleon Crossing the Alps
Jacques-Louis David, Napoleon Crossing the Alps or Bonaparte at the St Bernard Pass, . Oil on canvas, 102 × 87in (260 × 221cm). Chateau de Malmaison, Rueil-Malmaison.
A figure that visually breaks the container when there is space available.
Napoleon Crossing the Alps
Jacques-Louis David, Napoleon Crossing the Alps or Bonaparte at the St Bernard Pass, . Oil on canvas, 102 × 87in (260 × 221cm). Chateau de Malmaison, Rueil-Malmaison.
An image with an optional overlayed caption.
Napoleon Crossing the Alps
Jacques-Louis David, Napoleon Crossing the Alps or Bonaparte at the St Bernard Pass, . Oil on canvas, 102 × 87in (260 × 221cm). Chateau de Malmaison, Rueil-Malmaison.
A combination of the breakout and overlay modules.
Napoleon Crossing the Alps
Jacques-Louis David, Napoleon Crossing the Alps or Bonaparte at the St Bernard Pass, . Oil on canvas, 102 × 87in (260 × 221cm). Chateau de Malmaison, Rueil-Malmaison.
<figure class="[modifier class]">
  <img src="http://figment.kennethormandy.com/images/example-1.jpg" alt="Napoleon Crossing the Alps" />
  <figcaption>Jacques-Louis David, <cite>Napoleon Crossing the Alps</cite> or <cite>Bonaparte at the St Bernard Pass</cite>, <time>1800–1</time>. Oil on canvas, 102 × 87<abbr>in</abbr> (260 × 221<abbr>cm</abbr>). Chateau de Malmaison, Rueil-Malmaison.</figcaption>
Default styling
Napoleon Crossing the Alps Napoleon Crossing the Alps (Belvedere version) Napoleon Crossing the Alps (Second version)
Three of the five versions of Jacques-Louis David’s Napoleon Crossing the Alps: the first Versailles, Belvedere, and second Versailles.
A figure with the caption as marginalia when possible.
Napoleon Crossing the Alps Napoleon Crossing the Alps (Belvedere version) Napoleon Crossing the Alps (Second version)
Three of the five versions of Jacques-Louis David’s Napoleon Crossing the Alps: the first Versailles, Belvedere, and second Versailles.
A figure framed with a border.
Napoleon Crossing the Alps Napoleon Crossing the Alps (Belvedere version) Napoleon Crossing the Alps (Second version)
Three of the five versions of Jacques-Louis David’s Napoleon Crossing the Alps: the first Versailles, Belvedere, and second Versailles.
A figure that visually breaks the container when there is space available.
Napoleon Crossing the Alps Napoleon Crossing the Alps (Belvedere version) Napoleon Crossing the Alps (Second version)
Three of the five versions of Jacques-Louis David’s Napoleon Crossing the Alps: the first Versailles, Belvedere, and second Versailles.
A combination of the breakout and border modules.
Napoleon Crossing the Alps Napoleon Crossing the Alps (Belvedere version) Napoleon Crossing the Alps (Second version)
Three of the five versions of Jacques-Louis David’s Napoleon Crossing the Alps: the first Versailles, Belvedere, and second Versailles.
Three images shown as equals
Napoleon Crossing the Alps Napoleon Crossing the Alps (Belvedere version) Napoleon Crossing the Alps (Second version)
Three of the five versions of Jacques-Louis David’s Napoleon Crossing the Alps: the first Versailles, Belvedere, and second Versailles.
Three images shown as equals
Napoleon Crossing the Alps Napoleon Crossing the Alps (Belvedere version) Napoleon Crossing the Alps (Second version)
Three of the five versions of Jacques-Louis David’s Napoleon Crossing the Alps: the first Versailles, Belvedere, and second Versailles.
Three images shown as equals
Napoleon Crossing the Alps Napoleon Crossing the Alps (Belvedere version) Napoleon Crossing the Alps (Second version)
Three of the five versions of Jacques-Louis David’s Napoleon Crossing the Alps: the first Versailles, Belvedere, and second Versailles.
<figure class="[modifier class]">
  <img src="http://figment.kennethormandy.com/images/example-1.jpg" alt="Napoleon Crossing the Alps" />
  <img src="http://figment.kennethormandy.com/images/example-5.jpg" alt="Napoleon Crossing the Alps (Belvedere version)" />
  <img src="http://figment.kennethormandy.com/images/example-2.jpg" alt="Napoleon Crossing the Alps (Second version)" />
  <figcaption>Three of the five versions of Jacques-Louis David’s <cite>Napoleon Crossing the Alps</cite>: the first Versailles, Belvedere, and second Versailles.</figcaption>

2.3 #figment.embed Figure with Responsive Embeded Media

Generic embedded media, like a YouTube video or Twitter card.

Default styling
Hand-painted reproduction of Jacques-Louis David’s Napoleon Crossing the Alps, using oil on blank linen canvas.
Embeded media that has a caption as marginalia, when possible.
Hand-painted reproduction of Jacques-Louis David’s Napoleon Crossing the Alps, using oil on blank linen canvas.
Embeded media framed with a border.
Hand-painted reproduction of Jacques-Louis David’s Napoleon Crossing the Alps, using oil on blank linen canvas.
Embeded media that visually breaks the container when there is space available.
Hand-painted reproduction of Jacques-Louis David’s Napoleon Crossing the Alps, using oil on blank linen canvas.
Embeded media with an overlayed caption.
Hand-painted reproduction of Jacques-Louis David’s Napoleon Crossing the Alps, using oil on blank linen canvas.
A combination of the breakout and overlay modules.
Hand-painted reproduction of Jacques-Louis David’s Napoleon Crossing the Alps, using oil on blank linen canvas.
Embeded media scaled or cropped within a square. Works especially well with Vine and Instagram.
Hand-painted reproduction of Jacques-Louis David’s Napoleon Crossing the Alps, using oil on blank linen canvas.
<figure class="figure--embed [modifier class]">
  <div class="embed-container">
    <iframe async defer src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/35152332" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>
  <figcaption>Hand-painted reproduction of Jacques-Louis David’s <cite>Napoleon Crossing the Alps</cite>, using oil on blank linen canvas.</figcaption>

2.3.1 #figment.embed.square Figure with Square Embed

A pre-sized embed, like an Instagram photo.

Default styling
A contemporary, Kurdish version of Napoleon Crossing the Alps, seen on the streets of Arbil.
A figure with the caption as marginalia when possible.
A contemporary, Kurdish version of Napoleon Crossing the Alps, seen on the streets of Arbil.
A figure with a border.
A contemporary, Kurdish version of Napoleon Crossing the Alps, seen on the streets of Arbil.
<figure class="figure--embed figure--square [modifier class]">
  <div class="embed-container">
    <iframe async defer src="//instagram.com/p/kz8ibZkn0C/embed/" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true"></iframe>
  <figcaption>A contemporary, Kurdish version of <cite>Napoleon Crossing the Alps</cite>, seen on the streets of Arbil.</figcaption>